Welcome on a website  of Devon Rex

cattery from Poland -

Szmaragdowa  IgÅ‚a*PL 

- this mean Emerald Needle.





 Our cattery is registered in Rassekatzenverein in NRW g.e.V.



  Is an independent federation, with a 15-year tradition of having members in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany,

 France, Switzerland and more and more member from Poland.Pedigrees of the Federation shall be recognized by the world organization  WCC, the World Cat Congress. WCC brings together international organizations, including the FIFe, CFA, TICA, WCF.


Our aim is to breed healthy, beautiful extreme in type and perfectly socialized Devon Rex with wonderful perrsonality. We specialize color variations - COLOURPOINT.

Our cattery is still very young, but we already have small successes. Our male born in our Cattery Cyjan Szmaragdowa IgÅ‚a*PL - received high scores  BOB III - was 3 the best cat in the exhibition ! and often gets BIV - Best In Variety. We are very proud :).


Devon's  charmed  us  from  the first  sight and we can  no  longer   imagine our life without  these  beautiful, space creatures. These intelligent, sociable & brisk cats are unique in every way. They require a lot of attention and affection but in return  - they give us lots of endless love. Living with  them is both a great challenge and enormous pleasure!


There are six cats living with us at present; all of them, including our males, are treated as full family members. They participate in our everyday life, have free access to all rooms in the house, are loved and pampered and  sleep wherever they want to, which mostly means in our bed ;). In our cattery the comfort and happiness of our 4-legged friends is always a priority. 

Together with our cats we live in city Gorzów Wlkp. in the west part of Poland - 200 km from Berlin.

Our cattery is regularly tested against FeLV, FIV and FIP and has valid, negative results of these tests.



Warm welcome!





    Guest Book




    Purpose and passion of our cattery is is to breed cats healthy, well-socialized
     and extreme in type.

    We specialize in color variation - COLORPOINT.


    COLOURPOINT - POINTED PATTERN: Color (black, blue, red ....) is visible on mask (face), ears, legs, tail. Body color lighter. Contrast between points and body must be evident.

     Distinguish three varieties of Colorpoint, they differ among themselves  the intensity contrast between pointed patern and body:


    SIAMES POINTED: contrast between  points and body color is very strong.


    TONKINESE POINTED mask, ears, legs and tail are densely market, but merging gently into body colour.  Strength of contrast is average.


    BURMES POINTED: The colour of the poins is the same as the body colour. The points show a little contrast, but their colour should be slightly visible.